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Monday, February 11, 2019

Erica Crooks Comics 2019 : Trump go F**k yourself

Trump go f**k yourself cartoon satirists against trump political satire

In response to this

Sure that's syndication comic strips where wholesome readers get offended and asked for it to be pulled , the big question to ask artists is are you an artist for the sake of art and it's positive influence on the world and the culture of liberation and the culture of resistance or are you one of those Ben Garrison capitalists who hate cartoons and you only do it because you think the capitalist and all hierarchical system is justified. That's another one who needs to go f**k themselves. All those fascist bastards do.

 #impeachtrump #impeachtrumpnow #antigovernment #antitotalitarian #antiauthoritarian #antitrump #trumpgof**kyourself #cartoonistsagainsttrump #leftistcartoonistsunite #cartoonistsagainstcapitalism #cartoonsliberate #artshoulddisturbthecomfortableandcomfortthedistored #politicalcartoon #politicalcartoons #trumpcartoon #trumpcartoons #editorialcartoons #antinewworldorder #antiilluminati #1984wasnotmeanttobeamanual #satireisnotillegalyet #satirist #satire #politicalsatire #satireisfreespeech #satiristsunite #unitetheleft #satiristsagainsttrumpunite #anarchist #anarchism

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