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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Erica Crooks Comics 2019 - Depression , Alienation , etc

Erica Crooks Comics 2019

Sure it's great to fill up your own cup , self love and self care. And perhaps when we are happy , we do attract more with Law of Attraction. But hierarchical power where ever it comes from wants people to blame themselves for their mood . Perhaps Anarchists are the only ones who know the truth that this disgusting hierarchical system creates depression , alienation , isolation , every political problem you can think of. YOU ARE NOT ALONE ! Let humanity send uncondtional love to everyone ! Lightworkers and Unity Consciousness IS NOT reinforcing negative karma and is against DA LAW even though hierarchy wants to say it does.
#anarchy #anarchist #anarchism #spiritualanarchy #spiritualanarchist #spiritualanarchism #infp #infps #depression #isolation #alienation #mentalhealth #lonely #youarenotalone #metoo #anticapitalist #anticapitalism #capitalismkills #ericacrooks #ericacrookscomics #ericacrookscomics2019 #satire #classwar #classconsciousness #lawofattraction #newage #newthought #karma #iseehumansbutnohumanity #humanity

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