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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Law of Attraction & Anarchism

Law of Attraction & Anarchism
Erica Crooks

I came to understand MBTI in 2007 in my final year of high school and “ The Secret “ in 2012 with the interest of not only creating my own life outside fiction but to help meet my Twin Flame outside telepathy.
It’s hard to say what my Twin Flame’s MBTI type is because the thing about Twin Flames from my experience is that there’s an extremely close resemblance but at the same time there is this Ying and Yang thing.
For example I’ve noticed how my Twin Flame is more comfortable socializing and performing on stage in front of people much more then I am.
However the sense of combining crafts and performance art is something me and my Twin Flame both share. My Twin performed as a Pride Nightclub Drag King and I’m a puppeteer and voice actress ( among other things ;) ) .
However in 2017 , Anarchism was something that applied to me and not necessarily looking for my Twin Flame.

I was reading some bits and pieces of “ The Secret “ this morning ( as I write this ) and here’s some things I’ve observed.

( 1. The problem with New Age / New Thought Spirituality and Law of Attraction isn’t that at all but those who teach it , meaning it has this centralized way of how it’s being taught.
This stuff is clearly Left Wing however in modern times it applies this centralized way of teaching like you know “ Mainstream “ . 
From the perspective of this Anarchist , this includes “ Feeling like it’s not your job to change the world “ or “ Everyone is manifesting their life so therefore the world is perfect the way it is “ .
I have concerns about this.
Someone who’s homeless may be attracting more homelessness which is true by Law of Attraction , and maybe manifesting more money might help the here and now situation sort of…. 
But isn’t that within itself “ Limited Beliefs “ ?

( 2. WE CAN USE LOA to it’s full potential meaning 5D Earth and a Libertarian Socialist Anarchist society is possible if we imagine it’s possibilities .

What if LOA in a collective energy meditation is a way to break down hierarchy ?

Technically New Age believers who are aware of The New World Order and want a 5D Earth and Libertarian Socialist Anarchism is SAYING THE SAME EXACT THING but using different terms and perspectives.

Is this an iNtuitive thing ? ( MBTI ) OR is it truly UNIVERSAL ?

I say both.

In conclusion , what does this say about social revolution.
Well I think everyone is doing their part and it takes a little bit of everything.
This includes being open minded about the paranormal which is spiritual possibilities and unknown miracles .

Here’s some resources / links I’d like to share to help bring awareness .
A couple of my favorite links relating to all this. :)

New Thought / New Age Spirituality / 5D Earth :

Anarchist Society / Anti-Capitalism

5D Earth 

New World Order knowledge

Anarchist knowledge :

( Non-Complete ) * it’s a great channel * just like Thought Smile and Libertarian Socialist Rants

( An internet audiobook of the first three chapters of The Anarchist FAQ )

And for Twin Flame knowledge , me and my Twin Flame read from this website since 2016 .
It’s the most accurate information relating to our experience.

#lawofattraction #thesecret #loa #manifestation #newage #newagespirituality #newthought #newthoughtspirituality
 # #anewworldispossible #lawofattractionanarchist #anarchy #anarchist #anarchists #anarchism #MBTI #infp #infps #myersbriggs #twinflame #twinflames #twinflameunion #twinflamereunion #twinsoul #twinsouls #spiritualanarchy #spiritualanarchist #spiritualanarchism #newageanarchism #newthoughtanarchism #lawofattractionandanarchism

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